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Acoustic & Bat detectors: Recorders and Bat Detectors

Bat detectors - currently you may find a lot of different systems on the market. Our short article "ABC Bat Detectors" will help to find the best one for your purposes.

Below - our offer for the best on the market: heterodyne detectors, ZCA (Zero Cross Analyses) detectors as well as wide range, real time recorders.

Number of products: 21

Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4BAT FS detector

  • Item code SM4BAT-FS WA 
  •  | Type: Czasu rzeczywistego 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Opcje 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Pasywne 

Compact, lightweight, single-channel bat detector/recorder, available in full-spectrum and zero-crossing models. Developed specifically for bat research, the SM4BAT recorders combine innovative design with a new low-power processor and easy-to-use scheduling features. The SM4BAT will make bat research simpler, faster, less costly and more reliable.

Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter SM4 acoustic recorder

  • Item code SM4 WA 
  •  | Type: Czasu rzeczywistego 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Opcje 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Pasywne 

Song Meter SM4 - The smallest and lightest dual-channel weatherproof acoustic recorder available. The 4th generation Song Meter SM4 is a compact, weatherproof, dual-channel acoustic recorder capable of capturing large amounts of data from wildlife such as birds, frogs and aquatic life.

Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Mini (Bat)

  • Item code SMMINI2-BAT-AA 

The smallest, lightest and most affordable ultrasonic recorder on the market, the new Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Mini Bat gives scientists a simple, yet innovative tool for recording bat vocalizations.

Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Mini (Bioacustic)

  • Item code SMMINI 

Smallest, lightest and most affordable wildlife audio recorder, the new Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Mini gives scientists a simple, yet innovative, tool for recording birds, frogs and other vocal wildlife.

Wildlife Acoustics Detektor ECHO METER TOUCH 2 (Android)

  • Item code EMT2USBC-STD 
  •  | Type: RTE, heterodyne i time-expansion 
  •  | Internal memory card: nie 
  •  | Microphone: dookólny FG, wodoszczelny 
  •  | Software: bezpłatne, do pobrania z Apple App Store 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne 

Turn your phone or tablet into a state-of-the-art bat detector. With EMT2 you can: detect and identify bats, hear ultrasonic bat sounds, record bat sounds and share what you’ve discovered.

181,00 €
Order Available

Wildlife Acoustics Detektor ECHO METER TOUCH 2 PRO (Android)

  • Item code EMT2USBC-PRO 
  •  | Type: RTE, heterodyne i time-expansion 
  •  | Internal memory card: nie 
  •  | Microphone: dookólny FG, wodoszczelny 
  •  | Software: bezpłatne, do pobrania z Apple App Store 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne 

Echo Meter Touch 2 PRO is an innovative combination of hardware and software that lets you listen to, record and identify bats in real-time – on your Android or Apple iOS device. The new Echo Meter Touch 2 PRO is based on over three years of customer feedback and extensive fieldwork. It offers the most advanced features and highest quality recordings of any handheld bat detector on the market today.

361,00 €
Order Available

Pettersson D-200 Bat Detector

  • Item code D200 
  •  | Type: Heterodynowy 
  •  | Internal memory card: Nie 
  •  | Microphone: Kierunkowy 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne 

Easy-to use heterodyne detector. Frequency range 10 - 120 kHz.

Pettersson D-230 Bat Detector

  • Item code D230 
  •  | Type: Frequency division 
  •  | Internal memory card: Nie 
  •  | Microphone: Kierunkowy 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne 

Heterodyne and divide-by-ten (frequency division) detector. Frequency range 10 - 120 kHz.

Pettersson D-240x Bat Detector

  • Item code D240X 
  •  | Type: Time expansion 
  •  | Internal memory card: Nie 
  •  | Microphone: Kierunkowy 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne 

Heterodyne and time expansion detector with many advanced functions ! Frequency range 10 - 120 kHz.

876,00 €
Order Available

Bestselling Pettersson D-500X Bat Detector

  • Item code D500X 
  •  | Type: Czasu rzeczywistego 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Dookólny 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Pasywne / aktywne 

The D500X is an ultrasound recording unit intended for long-term, unattended recording of bat calls. In contrast to time expansion bat detectors, the D500X records full-spectrum ultrasound in real time with virtually no gaps between recordings.

Pettersson D-1000x Bat Detector

  • Item code D1000X 
  •  | Type: Time expansion 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Kierunkowy 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne 

The D-1000X is the first bat detector with a built-in “tape recorder”, relieving the user from the hassle of operating a separate tape recorder or laptop with connecting cables. Range: 32 - 768kHz

Pettersson USB Ultrasound Microphone M500

  • Item code M500 

The M500 microphone is easily used with a tablet PC or laptop to record bat calls and other ultrasonic signals with the highest quality.

Pettersson USB Ultrasound Microphone M500-384

  • Item code M500-384 

The M500-384 USB Ultrasound Microphone enables you to make high-quality, full spectrum recordings of bat calls or other ultrasonic signals with a wide variety of computers/laptops/tablets/smartphones, using the sound recording software of your choice.

Pettersson u256 USB Ultrasound Microphone

  • Item code u256 

Ultrasound recording in the field has never been more portable and convenient than with the u256/u384. Featuring excellent sensitivity, low noise, small size and ultra-low power consumption.

Pettersson u384 USB Ultrasound Microphone

  • Item code u384 

Ultrasound recording in the field has never been more portable and convenient than with the u256/u384. Featuring excellent sensitivity, low noise, small size and ultra-low power consumption.

Bestselling ecoObs Bat recorder BatCorder 3

  • Item code BATCORDER3 
  •  | Type: Czasu rzeczywistego 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Dookólny 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne / pasywne 

Using the batcorder you can record bat calls in highest quality. The device is optimized for echoe-free and omnidirectional recordings of bat calls. 500 kHz with 16bit amplitude resolution, a SNR of max 84 dB and calibrated mic sensitivity give best results. The batcorder is part of a complete survey system for automated recording, measuring and identification. Data is stored and presented in a clean interface and simplifies further analysis. A maximum of time saved and focusing on the essentials.

ecoObs Wind turbine extension set (batcorder 2&3)

  • Item code BC-WIND TR 

Wind turbine extension set batcorder 2/3 compatible.

Titley Anabat Walkabout Active Bat Detector

  • Item code ANABAT WALK 

The all-in-one device designed for active bat detection and recording.

Titley Anabat Scout bat detector for active monitoring.

  • Item code ANABAT SCOUT 
  •  | Microphone: dookólny 
  •  | Best for: monitoring aktywny 

Small, easy to use and robust. Record in either full spectrum or zero crossing. In & out bat counter with automatic time stamping and geotagging. Scout is an easy-to-use unit that can play heterodyne, auto-heterodyne and frequency division audio through earphones or the built-in speaker.

Titley CHORUS acoustic recorder

  • Item code TITLEY CHORUS 
  •  | Type: Frequency division 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Dookólny 
  •  | Software: W zestawie 
  •  | Best for: Pasywne 

Chorus is an affordable, customizable wildlife sound recorder.
It was designed for difficult terrain conditions.

Number of products: 21