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Acoustic & Bat detectors

Bat detectors - currently you may find a lot of different systems on the market. Our short article "ABC Bat Detectors" will help to find the best one for your purposes.

Below - our offer for the best on the market: heterodyne detectors, ZCA (Zero Cross Analyses) detectors as well as wide range, real time recorders.

Number of products: 1

Titley Anabat Scout bat detector for active monitoring.

  • Item code ANABAT SCOUT 
  •  | Microphone: dookólny 
  •  | Best for: monitoring aktywny 

Small, easy to use and robust. Record in either full spectrum or zero crossing. In & out bat counter with automatic time stamping and geotagging. Scout is an easy-to-use unit that can play heterodyne, auto-heterodyne and frequency division audio through earphones or the built-in speaker.