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Acoustic & Bat detectors: Recorders and Bat Detectors

Bat detectors - currently you may find a lot of different systems on the market. Our short article "ABC Bat Detectors" will help to find the best one for your purposes.

Below - our offer for the best on the market: heterodyne detectors, ZCA (Zero Cross Analyses) detectors as well as wide range, real time recorders.

Number of products: 2

Bestselling Pettersson D-500X Bat Detector

  • Item code D500X 
  •  | Type: Czasu rzeczywistego 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Dookólny 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Pasywne / aktywne 

The D500X is an ultrasound recording unit intended for long-term, unattended recording of bat calls. In contrast to time expansion bat detectors, the D500X records full-spectrum ultrasound in real time with virtually no gaps between recordings.

Bestselling ecoObs Bat recorder BatCorder 3

  • Item code BATCORDER3 
  •  | Type: Czasu rzeczywistego 
  •  | Internal memory card: Tak 
  •  | Microphone: Dookólny 
  •  | Software: Opcja 
  •  | Best for: Aktywne / pasywne 

Using the batcorder you can record bat calls in highest quality. The device is optimized for echoe-free and omnidirectional recordings of bat calls. 500 kHz with 16bit amplitude resolution, a SNR of max 84 dB and calibrated mic sensitivity give best results. The batcorder is part of a complete survey system for automated recording, measuring and identification. Data is stored and presented in a clean interface and simplifies further analysis. A maximum of time saved and focusing on the essentials.