Gdynia - os. Bernadowo 1D
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Products similar to:

Ecotone Telemetry Logger ALLE-300 GPS-UHF

Ecotone Telemetry Logger ALLE-100 GPS-UHF

ALLE-100 GPS-UHF telemetry logger designed for tracking animals (birds, bats, reptiles) during the breeding season that regularly return to their nests, burrows etc.
Examples of species for which transmitter ALLE-100 has been used: small gulls, owls
Dimension: 32x16x10 mm // Weight: 5.9g

Ecotone Telemetry Logger ALLE-60 GPS-UHF

ALLE-60 GPS-UHF telemetry logger is the smallest and lightest GPS tracker from our offer.
Designed for tracking animals (birds, bats, reptiles) during the breeding season that regularly return to their nests, burrows etc.
Examples of species for which transmitter ALLE-60 has been used: little auks, small owls, bats.
Dimension: 26x16x10 mm // Weight: 4,5g

Ecotone Telemetry Logger PICA GPS-UHF

PICA GPS-UHF telemetry logger is the smallest and lightest GPS tracker with solar charger from our offer.
Designed for tracking birds that regularly return to their nests, burrows etc.

Examples of species for which transmitter PICA has been used: bee-eaters

Dimension: 36x17x12mm // Weight: 5.5g

Ecotone Telemetry STERNA GPS-UHF

STERNA GPS-UHF telemetry logger
Designed for tracking birds (body mass starting from ~250g) that regularly return to their nests, burrows, roosts, etc.
Attaching: on harness, taped to feathers, tied to the tail.
Exaples of use on: small gulls, jackdaws, shearwaters, etc.
Dimensions: 28x15x11 mm
Weight: 7,4g

Ecotone Telemetry URIA-300 Turtle

URIA-300 Turtle telemetry logger is the GPS tracker designed for tracking turtles.
Designed for tracking turtles

Examples of species for which transmitter has been used: Emys orbicularis.

Dimension: 38x23x19 mm // Weight: 16,5g