Ornithological equipment: Poles for Mist Nets
Bestselling Ecotone Set of Two Aluminium Poles
- Item code POLE AL-SET
- | Length: -
- | Minimal (transport) length: 1 m
- | Total length: 2,83 m
- | Weight: 1.3 kg
- | Made of: aluminium
Lightweight and handy poles for ornithological and bat mistnets. Set of 2 poles allows set up 1 mist net.
Ecotone Aluminium Mist Net Pole
- Item code POLE AL-KIT
- | Minimal (transport) length: 1 m
- | Total length: 2,84 m
- | Weight: 0,65 kg
- | Made of: aluminium
Lightweight and handy poles for ornithological and bat mistnets
Ecotone Extra Aluminium pole top segment
- Item code POLE AL-T PL
- | Length: 0.97 m
- | Minimal (transport) length: 0.97 m
- | Total length: 0.92 m
- | Weight: 0.2 kg
- | Made of: aluminium
Spare top part to extend aluminium pole
Ecotone Ecotone Extra Aluminium pole bottom segment
- Item code POLE AL-B PL
- | Length: 0.95 m
- | Minimal (transport) length: 100 cm
- | Total length: 1 m
- | Weight: 0.25 kg
- | Made of: aluminium
Bottom section (with spike) for aluminium poles
Bestselling Ecotone Telescopic Mist Net Pole
- Item code POLE 345
- | Minimal (transport) length: 100.5 cm
- | Total length: 3.46 m
- | Weight: 1.05 kg
- | Made of: Epoxy resin
From February 2014 new and improved design of ECOTONE telescopic mist net pole! See details.
Bestselling Ecotone Set of two telescopic poles
- Item code POLE 345 SET
- | Minimal (transport) length: 100.5 cm
- | Total length: 3.46 m
- | Weight: 1.05 kg (single pole)
- | Made of: epoxy resin strengthened with metal rings
A set of two telescopic poles - to set up one mist-net.
Ecotone Bag (pouch) for ornithological poles
- Item code BAGMNP
- | Length: 104
- | Weight: 0.3 kg
Bag for Mist Nets Poles
Ecotone Mounting set for telescopic poles - A
- Item code POLE SET-A
- | Weight: 0.38 kg (whole set)
Set of guy ropes for mist nets poles Suitable for Ecotone telescopic poles Recommended for mist nets from 3 to 15 meters long.
Ecotone Mounting set - B for telescopic poles
- Item code POLE SET-B
- | Weight: 0.56 kg (whole set)
Mounting set for telescopic Mist Nets Poles - B Recommended for long mist nets (15 to 21 meter long)
Ecotone Mounting set for aluminium poles
- Item code POLE SET-ALU
Complete set of accessories for easy and quick mist net setup with ECOTONE aluminium poles.