Literature: Literature
Bestselling Flight Identification of European Passerines and Select Landbirds
- Item code FLIGHT_ID
A richly illustrated, state-of-the-art field guide for identifying European passerines in flight—the first of its kind
- Identification Guide to European Passerines, Lars Svensson
- Item code IG-S
Fourth,revised and enlarged edition
- Identification Guide to European Non-Passerines
- Item code NON-PASS
The key to identify species and sex and age Non-Passerines European birds. Especially useful for obrączkarzy. Kevin Baker Series: BTO GUIDES 24 336 pages, 170 illustrations. British Trust for Ornithology
Bestselling Identification Guide to Birds in the Hand
- Item code IG-H
In 2013, we published in French the Guide d\'identification des oiseaux en main, which received critical acclaim from members of the specialised ornithological press. In 2016, the Identification Guide to Birds in the Hand, updated with 51 extra species, gives to all ornithologists who handle birds the essential information regarding accurate identification of species and subspecies, measurements, moult, sex and age.
- Acoustic Ecology of European Bats - Second edition
- Item code ACOUBAT
This unique, richly illustrated book allows users of bat detectors to identify species from their calls. Author: Michel Barataud
New - Bat Calls of Britain and Europe
- Item code BC-BE
Identification guide to 44 species of bat currently known to occur throughout Europe. Contains 700 figures + maps + access to over 450 sound files.